“Surfin’ the Internet” is an interactive installation based on internet exploration in a way heavily influenced by the science fiction imagery which accompanied the internet in the 90’s.
It is an obstacle course, which you can navigate by moving our “digital cursor” left and right inclining a wheel-less skateboard linked to the PC using a Makey Makey.
This skateboard is used as the physical controller of the installation.
“Surfin’ the Internet” is an interactive installation based on internet exploration in a way heavily influenced by the science fiction imagery which accompanied the internet in the 90’s.
It is an obstacle course, which you can navigate by moving our “digital cursor” left and right inclining a wheel-less skateboard linked to the PC using a Makey Makey.
This skateboard is used as the physical controller of the installation.
“Surfin’ the Internet” is an interactive installation based on internet exploration in a way heavily influenced by the science fiction imagery which accompanied the internet in the 90’s.
It is an obstacle course, which you can navigate by moving our “digital cursor” left and right inclining a wheel-less skateboard linked to the PC using a Makey Makey.
This skateboard is used as the physical controller of the installation.
“Surfin’ the Internet” is an interactive installation based on internet exploration in a way heavily influenced by the science fiction imagery which accompanied the internet in the 90’s.
It is an obstacle course, which you can navigate by moving our “digital cursor” left and right inclining a wheel-less skateboard linked to the PC using a Makey Makey.
This skateboard is used as the physical controller of the installation.